5 Ways to Deal With a High Energy Dog

A high energy dog can cause havoc that is both stressful and costly.

High energy comes in the form of:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Excessive barking that doesn’t let you sleep
  • Wanting to jump the fence and run away
  • Havoc and Destruction

When it comes to a high-energy dog, it all comes down to one undisputable fact…

Your dog has pent up energy that needs to be released, one way or another.

It’s all about the energy, and your dog needs to release it. You may think your dog’s high energy can’t be tamed, but there are several ways to either

A) Calm him down


B) Allow him to burn pent up energy in a safe and controlled manner.

In this article I will list 5 ways to deal with a high energy dog… so that your dog lives happier and you have less stress in your life.

Let’s start with the first.

1. Make Your Dog Burn More Energy

There are exercises that are both fun and energy consuming for your dog.

There are toys that are both fun and energy consuming for your dog.

Some of these are energy consuming for your dog, but not for you.

Go here to learn the best toys for high energy dogs

Here’s a tracker to determine dog activity (energy expenditure).

2. Keep Your Dog Mentally Stimulated while you’re at work

If your dog is left alone with nothing to do, A) he’ll find something to do and likely cause havoc
and destruction or B) he’ll have a lot of pent-up energy to release at night in the form of barking
(and havoc and destruction)

Here are ways to keep your dog active while at work

3. Feed Your Dog Food That Calms Him Down

Diet is huge, it can affect mood in both humans and dogs. In particular, there are foods that reduce stress by improving gut health.

You might have heard about the “gut-brain axis”. It exists in both humans and dogs.

Cortisol is the “stress” hormone. It gets released when you’re anxious and stressed. Just as in humans, a dog’s microbiome of gut bacteria can help control their mood by regulating excessive stress hormone (more needed)

Read about the best foods for high energy dogs here.
(Hint: they include prebiotics and probiotics that improve gut health and hence, their mood)

4. How to Deal With Excessive Barking

A high-energy dog that isn’t sufficiently stimulated or exercised during the day might resort to barking all night.

This incessant barking could be a manifestation of their pent-up energy, boredom, or even anxiety.

For such active breeds or individual dogs, it’s crucial to provide ample physical and mental stimulation throughout the day to ensure peaceful nights.

Read about 4 ways to stop your dog from barking at night

5. “Brain Train” Your Dog

The key to a well-behaved dog isn’t just to make them expend physical energy, but to stimulate their intellect and encouraging them to THINK.

A smarter dog is a well-behaved dog.

While humans may often resent the monotony of a 9 to 5 job, dogs inherently crave tasks and challenges.

When deprived of mental stimulation, dogs can easily develop behavioral issues, become disobedient, and suffer from a decline in mental well-being.

Brain Training For Dogs solves this problem.

Through 21 fun, simple games, you will make your dog more intelligent and keep him entertained.

A high-energy dog with pent-up energy will suffer from anxiety, leading to mental and physical hyperactivity that can cause stress, damage, and won’t let you sleep at night.

That’s why some ways to deal with a high energy dog are to

  • Make it burn more energy
  • Keep him mentally stimulated
  • Feed him food that reduces anxiety

Managing a high-energy dog canĀ  be a challenge, but with the right strategies, both you and your dog will be relaxed and happy.