If you’re thinking of buying a chameleon or you already have one… then this is the most important article you’re ever going to read.
Here’s why: While the chameleon is one of the most popular of all lizards, many people underestimate the work that goes into owning a pet chameleon, and this results in many pet chameleons dying within the first week of purchase.
To help you avoid this, I’m going to reveal the top 6 mistakes that pet chameleon owners tend to make.
Let’s start with the first.
What Will I Learn?
Mistake #1: Not Being Home Enough
Chameleons require careful observation… as you’ll soon find out. You must be there for your chameleon to

turn their light on/off and you must be there to mist them.
That means you will not be able to stay away from your home for longer than 12 hours.
Of course, there are some exceptions like using automatic lighting and watering systems. But even with these systems in place you will still need to plan on not being away for long.
Chameleon owners set up these systems and then leave for a weekend getaway. But what if the timer malfunctions? You must keep this in mind and create back up plans like asking a friend to check up on your chameleon.
Mistake #2: Putting Chameleons Close To Each Other
Chameleons are territorial and they hate company – this includes humans and other chameleons. Even members of the opposite sex will fight each other over territory.
This is important to know for two reasons:
1. You must never put two chameleons in the same habitat nor close enough where they can see each other. The exception is when you are breeding chameleons.
In this case, females require special care and you need to be aware of several factors if you want to breed your chameleons. The Chameleon Care Guide gives you a detailed explanation of all you need to know about this.
2. Make sure your chameleon’s habitat is not in a place where another pet can see it.
Mistake #3: Handling Your Chameleon 
Chameleons hate to be handled so it’s best to only observe them.
There are a few exceptions to this rule of course, however, unnecessary handling will stress out the chameleon and shorten its life.
So before you touch your chameleon, make sure you are aware of the correct technique of handling it.
Get the Chameleon Care Guide and avoid the #1 cause of death of chameleons in captivity
Mistake #4: Not Realizing Your Chameleon Is Stressed
Here’s one of the most important (but often misunderstood) concepts about chameleon ownership:
Chameleons move slowly and instinctively stop when frightened. This makes them easy to grab and they will remain in place when you put them on your arm or shoulder.
This stillness makes the chameleon seem “OK”… so it’s easy to see why owners misinterpret this lack of protest as a sign that the chameleon is alright. It’s easy to see how some owners believe their chameleon LOVES it.
But in most cases, the chameleon does not like this at all. It’s stressed and wants to be left alone.
When being handled (and especially if the correct technique is not followed), a chameleon will often experience a great deal of stress that has a negative impact on its health and lifespan.
A chameleon’s camouflage is natural so the lizard’s instincts inherently cause it to remain still even when experiencing stress. This makes it difficult to realize something is wrong.
The Chameleon Care Guide shows you how to avoid this and how to raise a happy, healthy chameleon
Mistake #5: Not Providing a High-Variety Diet
A chameleon cannot thrive on a diet that’s only made up of three different insects.
And it doesn’t matter if you powder these insects with supplements and ensure they are rich in nutrients.
Chameleons love a variety of insects and there is absolutely no reason to limit a chameleon to a three-insect diet.
So if you are looking to raise a chameleon, be prepared to feed it a variety of insects… and ensure that these insects receive the proper diets.
In the Chameleon Care Guide, you’ll learn what you should NEVER feed your chameleon
Mistake #6: Putting it in an Enclosure That Is Too Small
While chameleons don’t seem to move around a lot, they still require a large habitat to live in, and they need places to hide.
If you just throw a chameleon into an aquarium with a couple of twigs, it will become very stressed.
The habitat must have plenty of greenery to hide behind and lots of twigs to climb on.
The best option is to build the habitat yourself by using a fish aquarium.
Make sure you provide ventilation, heavy plant cover, and at least one basking area… and ensure all reachable areas are at least 12 inches of separation from the basking lamp.
In the “Chameleon Care Guide”, you’ll find a detailed explanation of everything you need to consider when constructing your chameleon’s enclosure.
You will also learn:
- 12 signs your chameleon is not healthy
- The absolute best place to get a chameleon – and, what you MUST KNOW about chameleons found in the wild
- The #1 cause of death of chameleons in captivity and how to avoid it
- 13 conditions to have a healthy pet chameleon
- How to maintain proper temperature and humidity for your chameleon, and the correct substrate to use
- How much to feed your chameleon… and what you should NEVER feed it
- The ONE OBJECT you should never have near your chameleon
- What “Gut Loading” is and how to do it (this is important)
- How to set up an efficient watering system and ensure your chameleon stays hydrated…
- How to bond with your chameleon and how to handle it safely and properly…
- The secret to breeding chameleons…
- How to identify, treat, and prevent medical conditions, including mouthrot (stomatitis), metabolic bone disease, and egg retention…
- And much, much more!…