Ambanja Panther Chameleons For Sale and What You Need to Know Beforehand

If you’re looking to buy an Ambanja Panther Chameleon, you can get them at CBReptile:

Ambanja Panther Chameleons for sale

The Ambanja Panther Chameleon is a subspecies of the Panther Chameleon (Furcifer pardalis), that is native to Madagascar. The “Ambanja” designation refers to the region of Ambanja in Madagascar, where this variant is commonly found.

Qualities of the Ambanja Panther Chameleon

Vibrant Colors

The Ambanja Panther Chameleon is popular in the pet trade due to its impressive size and vibrant colors.

The CBReptile Blue Ambanja’s are OFF THE CHARTS as far as color.

Breeding colorful chameleons, especially species like the Ambanja Panther Chameleon, involves careful selection of individuals based on their color traits. This is often referred to as line-breeding, where breeders use detailed knowledge of a chameleon’s ancestry, or “bloodlines”, to predict and enhance certain desirable traits in future generations, such as color and pattern. Here’s a basic rundown of how it works:

  1. Observation: Breeders keep detailed records of each individual chameleon’s color patterns and traits throughout their lives. This information is used to identify which individuals have the most desirable colors or patterns.
  2. Selection: Breeders then choose which chameleons to breed based on these traits. For example, if a breeder wants to enhance a particular shade of blue in the offspring, they would select a male and female that both exhibit this desired trait.
  3. Breeding: The selected chameleons are bred together. In some cases, breeders may even breed chameleons that are closely related to each other (such as siblings or parent-offspring pairs) to try to concentrate the desired traits. However, this must be done with caution, as it can also lead to inbreeding depression, which can cause health problems and reduced fertility.
  4. Evaluation: The color patterns of the offspring are closely monitored as they grow, and the most promising individuals are selected to continue the line.
  5. Continuation: The process repeats, with each generation ideally getting closer to the breeder’s goal. Over several generations, breeders can create chameleons with incredibly vibrant and unique color patterns.

While line-breeding can produce some stunning results, it should be done responsibly. Overemphasis on a single trait, like color, can sometimes lead to the neglect of other important traits, such as health and genetic diversity. Responsible breeders strive to balance the pursuit of aesthetic traits with the overall health and vitality of their chameleons.


Ambanja Panther Chameleons, like other Panther Chameleons, are relatively large! Males can reach lengths of around 17-20 inches from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, while females tend to be smaller at around 10-14 inches.

Relatively Calm and Friendly

Male Ambanja Panther Chameleons are relatively calm and some even exhibit behavior that could be interpreted as “friendly.” It’s not unusual to see male Panther Chameleons willingly approach and climb onto your arm during feeding time in their habitat.

But keep in mind that, like all chameleons, Ambanja Panther Chameleons are not “hands-on” pets and handling should be kept to a minimum to avoid causing stress.

The Chameleon Care Guide shows you how to raise a happy, healthy chameleon


With proper care, Panther Chameleons can live for several years. Males typically live for around 5-7 years, while females have a slightly shorter lifespan, usually around 3-5 years.

Get the Chameleon Care Guide and avoid the #1 cause of death of chameleons in captivity


Like other Panther Chameleons, Ambanjas require a well-ventilated cage with plenty of branches and foliage for climbing and hiding. They need a heat gradient and UVB lighting, as well as regular misting to maintain appropriate humidity levels and provide drinking water.


Ambanja Panther Chameleons are insectivores, feeding on a variety of insects including crickets, roaches, and worms. Their diet should be regularly supplemented with calcium and other necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain their health.

Before Buying Your Chameleon…

Before buying your Ambanja Panther Chameleon, it’s crucial to prepare their habitat in advance.

In addition, be aware of its dietary requirements, understanding the specifications for its living conditions (such as temperature and moisture levels), and acknowledging the need for limited physical interaction.

It is also recommended to identify a veterinary practitioner specializing in reptiles for potential health-related situations.

Once you know you’re ready, check out these Ambanja Panther Chameleons for sale.